Monday, August 07, 2006

It always bothered us when people when would say, "you must have such great photos of Treston!" Granted we're always snapping photos of him but we hardly take the time to really photograph him. So we spent the day with our favorite model. Here are a few of his completed photos.

I love this image. Treston loves taking his dads glasses off and putting it on himself, and he gets this huge smile everytime he puts it on. "Look dad, I'm a nerd just like you" ha ha!

This is his favorite toy because it just keeps on laughing. I think this one of the rare photos that I caught him looking at the camera and it was only for a few seconds.

I love the Gap. They have the cutest clothes. Calvin Klein eat your heart out.

We love the simplicity of this image.

Treston is a true explorer. blah! Look out octopus Treston!

1 comment:

JeffersonTodd said...

He's so cute! Great photographs guys!