Monday, September 10, 2007

Just had to share...
This evening I was looking for Treston because it was time for bed. I kept calling his name and he wouldn't answer. I come around the corner and I see him at the the table munching away on chips. HE LOVES CHIPS, especially since he's really not allowed to eat them. My first reaction was to get his attention and catch him off guard. But instead I grabbed the camera. So I sneak up behind the table and start snapping away and I was so taken back by his reaction when he "caught me".


Liene Stevens said...

OH MY WORD, he is too cute!! How do you stand it?! :)

RiCap said...

LOL, he looks like he's having the time of his life eating those chips. The look on his face when he "caught you" is soo funny. As if he's saying dare you interrupt his good time. What a cutie.