Monday, September 17, 2007

OK, so I guess I'm the BIGGEST procrastinator! Kim Jarman, Kate Federico, Ross Tanner and my lovely husband tagged me to do this "eight levels of narcissism" thing. At first I couldn't think of anything to write about, and since I waited so long, I thought I could just slide by not writing anything. Then today I looked at our blog thinking I need to at least post "something" but wasn't sure what. And then, I hear my husband's annoying voice in the background, "We need to update our blog, why don't you do your eight levels thing"...ugh, I forgot about that. So here it goes.

8 Levels of Narcissism (Tammie)
1.) I cant' make up my mind for anything. It's horrible and it annoys the heck out of Chris.

2.) I'm not a compulsive buyer, but if it's on sale, I will find some excuse to buy it.

3.) I am the most unorganized organized person ever. I have a nice stack of paper work waiting to be filed, but I know exactly where everything is.

4.) I really don't know how to cook. Chris actually does a majority of the cooking. Whenever he asks me to cook, I say, "How does subway sound?" (He's not a big fan of subway) :)

5.) I used to be allergic to the sun/ ask why? I don't know. The doctors don't know. who knows, but my body has finally become accustomed to the heat. Why in the heck did I even move to AZ?

6.) I'm a huge fashion queen but funny enough no one believes me.

7.) The first time I ditched school, I got caught by the police and they took me back to school. I didn't ditch again until my senior year in high school. Does this only happen in small towns?

8.) I hate being in front of the camera. Whenever Chris says he needs to photograph me for some insane reason I will try to look as goofy as possible. For me, its some weird way hiding what I really look like I guess....and here is one of the many images. What's a post without a photo. :o)


Liene Stevens said...

I can't really cook either. I also have to confess that I've only half-heartedly tried to learn how! :)

Melissa Jill :) said...

You're cute :)

Fed said...

Check out that airtime!!!
Sun allergy in AZ, too funny =)

Ya Kate's been working on the cooking thing too, she's doing pretty good.

RiCap said...

Haha, I have my own piles of paper. When it comes to other people's piles of paper I can make short work of it, but not my own. Thanks for sharing Tammie :)

Anonymous said...

Good Stuff! I used to get really sick when I was out in the sun too! I would pass out n' stuff. Glad you are immuned to the sun, we don't want you to melt or anything. That is a great pic is that a herkie? I am in Prescott, so yes I kind of have fallen off of the face of the earth, but will be back soon!!!

Mr. Billey said...

I think it's becoming the "thing" for women not to cook. A little sad but true. Besides I would much rather have Chris's cooking than mine. No matter how hard I try or how many cooking classes I plan on taking he will always be better. He has this little passion for cooking. :)

Yes, Angie that is a herkie. GO BOBCATS! Ha ha! :) I haven't done that for years...and years!
