Saturday, September 01, 2007

We have actually gotten better at blogging, but I've been kinda horrible about posting images from our recent sessions. You're probably thinking, "aren't these guys photographers, where is their WORK?!" "All we hear about is their son? :)" By the way, it's DAY 3 without my son and I think I'm doing okay, although, I think my mom is getting tired of my texts. :) ANYWHO, back to being a photographer, here are just three ENGAGEMENT sessions we have done recently. I'll be posting their slideshows very soon, because let's face it they're much more enjoyable to look at. ;)





RiCap said...

Those images are fantastic! All your pictures just keep getting better and better. It's so fun to see.

Fed said...

Ya, finally some photos :) jk
We like hearing bout the little one two. Hey, he's a model now!
I've been slacking with the photos too. I'll have a few engagements up soon and some with the New England Fall foliage in a few more weeks.

ross tanner said...

Sweet photos guys, i love the locations for these photo sessions. hope the guy who got sprayed by the hose broguth a change!